successfully delivered projects, an impressive portfolio that reflects our commitment to excellence and innovation in landscaping.
We have an inner conviction that details make the difference, and this has helped us over the years to impress our partners with impeccable, sustainable and durable landscaping. Every member of the Eco Garden Construct team is carefully selected in the spirit of this attention to detail and beauty, so that we can guarantee our clients top quality services, carried out with dedication and professionalism, in accordance with all their needs and requirements.
Our mission is to provide the highest quality landscaping services with the most innovative methods and the best people.
Our landcaping services are designed to integrate nature into your commercial or residential space. Because we want our actions to be sustainable, we develop projects for a better future.
The Eco Garden Construct portfolio includes complex landscape design and maintenance projects. Our projects incorporate integrate services for families, companies and public institutions.
Residential garden landscaping
La baza acestei amenajări de grădină se află un covor verde proaspăt montat, care transformă terenul într-o pajiște înfloritoare. Gazonul nat...
See the ProjectLandscaping renovation of the garden of the Săvârșin Castle
Castelul Săvârșîn este o proprietate a Familiei Regale a României, situată in județul Arad, cunoscută pentru frumusețea sa arhitecturală și...
See the ProjectGarden maintenance Elisabeta Palace – Bucharest
Eco Garden Construct: profesionalism și tehnologie de ultimă oră la Palatul Elisabeta din București, reședința a Familiei Regale a României...
See the ProjectElitis Events Center landscaping and maintenance
În ultimele luni, am avut onoarea de a contribui la amenajarea și mentenanța peisagistică a ELITIS EVENTS CENTER transformându-l într-un spațiu...
See the ProjectLandscaping and maintenance of residential garden with children's playground and irrigation system
Pentru amenajarea grădinilor rezidențiale, echipa noastră oferă servicii complete de peisagistică, de la planificare și design, până la implem...
See the ProjectLandscaping and maintenance of Trovantland and The Barn - Gheorgheni – Cluj
Suntem mândri să vă prezentăm proiectul nostru de amenajare peisagistică comercială la Trovantland - The Barn , unde am transformat spațiul com...
See the ProjectFlower decoration at Radisson Blu Hotel Cluj-Napoca
🌸 Eco Garden Construct a avut plăcerea de a crea un decor floral spectaculos pentru Radisson Blu Hotel, Cluj aducând natura mai aproape de oaspeÈ...
See the ProjectFeroviarilor Park Landscaping
Amenajarea Parcului Feroviarilor a pus accent pe biodiversitate și a insemnat plantarea a 510 arbori cu balot pe lângă vegetația existentă, respe...
See the ProjectPrivate garden landscaping in 8 hours
Într-o zi de primăvară plină de promisiuni, am transformat un spațiu verde neîngrijit și plin de buruieni, într-un colț de rai într-un timp...
See the ProjectWe have planted 700,000 tulips for Cluj-Napoca
Cu mâini dibace și inimi plini de pasiune pentru natură, ECO GARDEN CONSTRUCT a transformat municipiul Cluj-Napoca într-o oază de culori și frum...
See the ProjectTransylvania Open 2023 Partnership
An de an suntem prezenți în calitate de partener al turneului de tenis Transylvania Open care se desfășoară in cadrul BT Arena, Cluj-Napoca. Sunt...
See the ProjectPrivate garden landcaping
Amenajarea grădinilor rezidențiale private este unul dintre punctele forte ale echipei ECO GARDEN CONSTRUCT. Proiectul acesta a fost unul care a sus...
See the ProjectMultisport court development
Realizarea terenurilor sportive este unul din domeniile în care echipa ECO GARDEN CONSTRUCT excelează. Construim și întreținem terenuri sportive ...
See the ProjectVisit of the Royal Family to Eco Garden Construct
Majestatea Sa Margareta, Custodele Coroanei Române, și Alteța Sa Regală Principele Radu al României au efectuat o vizită la Eco Garden Construct...
See the ProjectDEER landscaping - headquarters of Electric Energy Distribution Romania
Un proiect tare drag echipei Eco Garden Construct este reprezentat de catre amenajarea peisagistica a zonelor verzi aferente sediului Distributie Ener...
See the ProjectElisabeta Palace landscaping - Residence of The Royal Family of Romania
Eco Garden Construct a fost aleasă pentru reamenajarea unuia dintre monumentele arhitecturale ale istoriei recente – Palatul Elisabeta din Bucureș...
See the ProjectTurda Arena landscaping
Un nou proiect din domeniul sportului finalizat cu succes de către echipa noastră: amenajarea peisagistică a noii săli polivalente, Turda Arena. L...
See the ProjectCluj-Napoca events partnership
În fiecare an, suntem aleși de către organizatori ca parteneri ai marilor festivaluri muzicale și a evenimentelor culturale și de tehnologie din ...
See the ProjectPublic park landscaping CT 19 Mănăștur
Atunci când ne angajăm în realizarea unui proiect o facem cu multă responsabilitate, iar când vedem rezultatele finale ne bucurăm cu atât mai m...
See the ProjectWinners Sports Club & Restaurant
As every year, I was with Winners Sports Club & Restaurant, the most modern club in Transylvania, intended for sports lovers...
See the ProjectArmătura Park landscape modernization
A project very dear to the ECO GARDEN CONSTRUCT team was the modernization of the Armătura park in Cluj-Napoca. Through this project, the river...
See the ProjectCluj-Napoca, the city of tulips
The municipality of Cluj-Napoca welcomed spring with a special show: 400,000 tulips bloomed on the streets and in the city's public parks...
See the ProjectSummer flower planting
Beautifying the city by planting flowers is one of our priority objectives for the municipality of Cluj-Napoca. This year we provided...
See the ProjectComplete replacement of Cluj Arena sports turf
In anticipation of future sports events - the Sportsfestival and the European Football Championship in the month of U21 - we have started the replacement...
See the ProjectBelvedere Park Landscaping
The landscaping of the Belvedere park in Sibiu consisted of the transformation of an area where the locals stored their debris from work...
See the ProjectPrivate garden landscaping
A project that started from the beneficiary's need to have a part of the green area that would highlight the outdoor pool and paved walkways. Cl...
See the ProjectScala Residence landscaping
A project very dear to the Eco Garden Construct team is represented by the landscaping of the green areas related to the residential complex...
See the ProjectModern garden landscaping
Nothing can be more challenging for landscaping than a large space that values the nature. Landscaping...
See the ProjectLoft Residence landscaping
The concept of the Loft residential complex does not try to satisfy needs, but takes a leap forward, defining a lifestyle and, above all, a set...
See the ProjectIntre Lacuri Park landscaping
A project very dear to our team consisted of transforming an unused area into a modern park, equipped with fitness equipment and playground...
See the ProjectMolnar Piuariu urban space reconversion
The first smart street in Romania has all the facilities of a modern, "green" public space, adapted to today's technological and urban mobility...
See the ProjectVertical plant office wall
Plant walls have become more and more popular in today's urban bustle. Through these plant constructions, nature is...
See the ProjectSimion Barnutiu Park fountain
The project of the fountain in Simion Barnutiu Park consisted of cleaning the area, restoring the perimeter adjacent to the fountain, replacing the soil...
See the ProjectModern garden landscaping
A project that challenged the landscape team to a complex analysis of the situation on the ground. The site is located in a central and densely trafficked area...
See the ProjectModern garden landscaping
A landscaping project that consisted of performing three distinct operations: the creation of an automated irrigation system, mounting...
See the ProjectNatural lawn sport field CLUJ ARENA
The realization of the natural lawn of the Cluj Arena stadium was one of the first challenges of the Eco Garden Construct team. All stages have been completed...
See the ProjectSocial event place landscaping
A generous project as a space that was to be set up as a location for worldly events. It was a challenge for the Eco Garden...
See the ProjectGarden maintenance
Garden maintenance is not just about lawn care. Flower areas, trees and shrubs also need to be cared for and groomed, all for a garden...
See the ProjectHotel terrace landscaping
The project consisted of the arrangement of the relaxation spaces that belong to Hotel Univers T. It was a project that was based on a minimalist display of...
See the ProjectModern garden landscaping
A project that started from the beneficiary's need to have a part of the green area that would highlight the outdoor pool and paved walkways. Cl...
See the ProjectGarden maintenance
Garden maintenance is not just about lawn care. Flower areas, trees and shrubs also need to be cared for and groomed, all for a garden...
See the ProjectGarden maintenance
Intretinerea gradinilor este o provocare in sine pentru ca vine, aproape intotdeauna, ca urmare a unor nemultumiri exprimate de catre beneficiar in ur...
See the ProjectNatural grass maintenance
An immaculate lawn - green and thick - is every lawn lover's dream. This project, which took place over several phases, involved...
See the ProjectModern garden landscaping
A landscaping project that has combined all the ingredients of a complete landscaping: establishment of natural lawn, planting of trees...
See the ProjectModern garden landscaping
A maintenance project that attracted the interest of our specialists because it was a rustic garden with rockeries and many...
See the ProjectWe represent the landscaping industry through professional services, excelling in the field, regardless of the nature of the projects.
The reviews of our customers confirm this!
I appreciate the professional aproach of the Eco Garden Construct team. The quality landscaping solutions are the foundation of our partnership.
We have been collaborating for many years, each time for projects that have brought value to the community. I appreciate the Eco Garden Construct team because every time I found with them the answers and solutions I needed.
I am glad that the Eco Garden Construct team not only build gardens and green spaces with professionalism and passion, but also have a significant community involvement.
The projects we developed together were successfully and professionally completed. I think that in our activity the most important aspect is the customers satisfaction. From this perspective, I believe that Eco Garden Construct is a brand that has never disappointed its customers or partners.
I had a great time working with Eco Garden Construct – they are professional, learned to adapt to the client’s needs, act quickly and deliver exactly what they promised. And, on top of all that, we met some tight deadlines together that didn’t prevent us from having an excellent end result.
The services provided by Eco Garden Construct have always been at another level. We have a solid partnership and rely on their experience and professionalism in the management and maintenance of green spaces.
I have had the opportunity to work with the Eco Garden team over the past few years. They proved to be 100% professionals in their field of activity, with a good assessment of the situation on the ground and with great respect for the culture and the city of Cluj Napoca.
Discover our!
We offer a large selection of plants, trees and shrubs exclusively provided by quality farms throughout Europe.